Image from Andrew Sullivan
The Daily Dish, The Atlantic Online
Sometimes words denote respect. Sometimes they don't.
As for this one - yes, I know who is best suited to lead this country. I like a candidate who is even tempered, not impulsive, able to look others in the eye and shake hands. I like a candidate who is more interested in discussing policy than throwing dirt, but who is not going to be bullied by a desperate man. I like a candidate who is concerned about the middle class, who knows from his own beginnings what it is like to struggle, a candidate whose belief in the truth of the American dream changed his life. I like a candidate who has worked hard to become the citizen he is, who has not expected others to pave the way, a candidate who is dependable and whose insight and vision are clear and deep. I like a candidate who is intelligent and articulate, whose words move me, who makes thoughtful choices and decisions which are in the best interest of the country. This is the candidate I will feel most comfortable knowing my country is being governed by, the person I think is best suited to international diplomacy, and in whose hands my life and the lives of those I love will rest.
Barack Obama in 2008
"That one" indeed.
From outside the country, the world wonders why the race is close at all.
But then we still don't understand why the US re-elected George last time, so...
fingers are crossed on the other side of the Atlantic .....
I almost ordered the T-shirt yesterday, but wasn't sure of the source of the item!
Hi Sky, I see Obama in a very different light since I started digging a little deeper into his persona and political record, but I appreciate that you do not succumb to the slandering of the other side that I see so much these days, including on some of my favorite blogs. It is refreshing to see you focus on what you perceive to be positive about him, rather than what is negative about the others.
I'd wear that (one) button proudly!
Keeping our fingers crossed in Canada - an overwhelming majority of Canadians are pulling for Obama, according to recent polls. (Probably people in most other countries are as well.) Too bad we couldn't vote! The mud slinging is quite incredible to watch from a distance.
YES WE DID!!!!!! couldn't be happier!!! hope you had a great celebration!!
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