After years of crazed anguish in the wake of Jane's absence, he has created a bridge over this rocky chasm and lives more peacefully in his solitude. He is writing, and has made space in his life for companionship again.
Donald Hall said during an interview "What was the most beautiful thing in our marriage was when we weren't aware that we were going to die. And we just had our routine. You know you look back on it, and you think, 'Why wasn't I aware of how blissful that was?' But if you'd been aware of how blissful it was you would have been dreading losing it. Anybody who's been through anything like this knows what I mean." In a letter he wrote to Jane shortly after her death, a poem entitled "Letter With No Address," Hall wrote "four weeks/since you lay on our painted bed/and I closed your eyes." and "Your presence in this house/is almost as enormous/and painful as your absence."

Hall chronicles this journey through leukemia, Jane's last days, and finally her death in his book, Without. I have just ordered The Painted Bed and The Best Day, The Worst Day. Both of these detail personal moments of this life which was blessed and rich yet tormented by impending death. Jane's posthumous book of poetry, Otherwise, is another one I shall order. Her poem "Let Evening Come" is a favorite of mine.

There is a fabulous essay written by Liam Rector who knew them both well and whose friendship with Donald and Jane offers a zoomed-in view of their life. His wedding to Tree Swenson, director of Academy of American Poets, was held in the back garden of Eagle Pond Farm. Swenson designed the covers of Jane's books, and only days before Jane died they collaborated on the painting which Jane wanted to grace the cover of Otherwise. Rector and Swenson had just gotten a puppy which they had named Kenyon when Donald called to tell them it was time to drive up to the farmhouse to tell Jane goodbye. Kenyon accompanied them on this sad journey.
My favorite of Donald's work is his prose, actually, specifically Life Work, which I have given as a gift several times. It was my initial introduction to him and this interesting life he lives. Through it I also found Jane and her beautiful poetry and later the PBS emmy-winning film, A Life Together. The film brought me their poetry readings and a glimpse of Eagle Pond Farm. It is a fascinating portrait of an intimate life lived and shared in love and poetry.
If you don't know these two exciting writers, be sure to check them out. It will be a delicious treat on a cold, winter's day.

Thank you for introducing them to me. I look forward to spending more intimate time in the company of their words.
Loving you...
What a wonderful tribute. I didn't know anything about Donald or enough about Jane.
When I was introduced to Donald's work he was battling liver cancer. It seemed to be metastasized from earlier colon cancer. I had no idea he would survive. No one did. How sad it was for this unexpected and miraculous recovery to detour the happy ending everyone wanted.
Facing Jane's premature death was such devastation. If you have a chance to read Life Work I highly recommend it; then follow up with the powerful volume of work he gives us in Without. Let him carry you down this road of love's deepest grief and celebration.
I am very excited to report all of the volumes I ordered only 2 days ago arrived this afternoon. It will be a Hall/Kenyon holiday for me for the next few days!
Sad and beautiful and intriguing...Jane and Donald would be so elated to know that a writer of your talent was telling their story. You have such a beautiful flow to your words. It is a pleasure to read your entries.
Thanks, Jeff, for your kind words. I hope you will read some of their work. I am enjoying my new books immensely. :)
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