in the Skagit River Delta Region of Skagit County, Washington
Sometime in fall the snow geese leave Wrangel Island, Russia and other areas of Artic tundra to fly at speeds of up to 50 mph some 3,000 miles in distance to Washington State in North America. It is no wonder they can be referred to as a

These geese nest in the Artic tundra of northern Canada, Alaska, Russia, and Greenland, always returning to the same areas where they hatched to build their own nests. The female lays about 4 eggs which are incubated and guarded by both her and her mate. During these 23-28 days the geese eat little to nothing, losing about 20% of their total body weight. Shortly after the eggs are hatched the adults will molt and, like their goslings, become unable to fly. By the time their new feathers appear, their young are ready to fly. In the interim and during the remainder of summer they and their goslings will feed on the surrounding vegetation enjoying the long, sun-filled days of heavy feeding as they prepare themselves for their flight ahead.
At summer's end when the temperatures begin to to drop they are once again ready to return to their winter playgrounds on the Skagit River Delta or perhaps stop off a little north of Washington at the Canadian border and winter on the Fraser River Delta. In both places they find the water soaked farmlands and rich aquatic life of the bays which provide winter feasting and moderate temperatures which keep them comfortable

Seeing 30,000 birds in one place left me speechless. When huge flocks of them take flight the movement of wings blurs the vision. Nature grants us such privilege and provides amazing gifts. These geese, quite uncomfortable in human presence, allowed my husband within 3-4 feet of them for several photographs.
All photography contained herein
is from our private collection and
may not be used without
written permission.

These photographs leave ME speechless! Thanks so much for sharing this experience.
Absolutely fabulous!
Such lovely birds and so many of them. Your husband must have put out the good vibes as they allowed him to get very close. Were they noisy like our Canadian geese here when they get together?
Oh my, they are beauties. My Monday photo shoot club was on birds. Extra credit for a white bird. It's still going... HUGS
aren't birds intriguing? your photos are wonderful!
I was somewhat of a bird watcher before I moved to the big city. I used to wake up early to watch the Canadian geese make their way across the skies.
Not so easy to do bird watching here in the city - not that it doesn't happen - it's just not as easy to see, so these photos of yours really are precious to me as it's something that I rarely see these days. Thanks for brightening my day!
I've never seen anything like it. I bet they flap in the sky like a storm of snow. Nature never ceases to amaze me and every area has something special.
I love the snow geese and your photos provide such a wonderful experience.
Tell a few of them to come visit while they are on their travels :)
I am a bird watcher but never have seen anything like this. Beautiful photographs.
Greetings! Just found your site and wanted to say I SAW THEM TOO!!! Only over my way by Lake Ontario!!!
I am trying to figure out how to post the video I took of the flock...It was like a swarm of white mosquitoes from a distance and then like a special effects scene in a movie, close up!
I love your description.
Come over later and see if I got my video posted!
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