In summer the purple leaves of our smoke tree are highlighted by puffs of pink flowers. As fall approaches the purple fades to pinks and apricots when autumn takes up residence along her beautiful limbs.

Is there any tree more glorious in fall than a maple? Splashing oranges and reds throughout the landscape, maples hold me captive until the winds blow these boldly colored leaves through chilled air, sending them off to feed the earth.

An old barn in the Cascades has a story to tell about days long past as she stands among the aspens which tremble in the breeze. Until I saw my first aspen I had no idea what the word trembling really meant!

Off in the distance a bridge crosses the Skykomish River in the Cascades.
Aspens shimmer along Highway 2 where the road travels along several waterways as it winds toward Leavenworth, Washington.

The Cascade range seems to be striped in yellow, orange, green, and red as colors move vertically down the mountainsides where logging has removed evergreens.

This two lane highway tunnels through the rock of the Cascades on one side while the Skykomish River flows rapidly across river rocks and boulders on the other.

"...One is silver and the other gold." Actually the golden aspen gives the illusion of silver when its limbs are bare. The contrast here of silver and gold is pure magic.
All photography is from our private collection and may not be copied or used in any manner without our written permission.
Click on each photograph to enlarge it.
All of the photos are lovely but I especially like the barn. A few stories to tell indeed!
Wow!! great pics!! its grey and dreary here in the NE and the leaves all wet and waitin to be raked.
Seeing these lovely pictures remind me that I never made it out to the Northwest this year as I had planned.
Wonderful pictures, as usual. Postcard perfect.
everything in the northwest is done on a grander scheme than here in the northeast - our beauty is your grandeur. wonderful photos!
These pictures brought a lump to my throat. They make me want to visit the western US again.
That last (silver and gold) shot is quite stunning.
Thank you Sky. Started my day well.
Silver and Gold it is!
Your photos warm this gray day!
Our leaves are rapidly falling and I must echo edl - it's gray and dreary here in the NE - very wet What a joy to open to this view of silver and gold
Vine maple, the bright red?? These pictures are just beautiful. Made me miss the aspens in the Rockies; the Olympics don't do aspens. Made up for it with bigleaf maples for a while though...
Lovely! Lovely. I would really like to visit their this time of year. (I have been having trouble finding the comment link when I visit...strange>) Anyway, I really enjoyed this lovely post.
Sky, the pictures are great.
Thank you for the comment on my garden man. He would surely make a statement in my small garden.
We will see what is in store for this country property. Either a shelter or a chair under a tree.
Either way I will visit weekly if the weather permits.
Have a great day.
Thanks again for joining me on my journey of past, present and dreams for the future.
I had to return to look over some of your entries on this dreary morning in Nashville, Tn.
Oh my
What beautiful pictures.
You are super talented.
My new interest is taking photos. I have so much to learn and not the beauty of your area.
Have a great day.
Even all the words for orange and yellow are poetry. "Apricot" just jumped out at me.
I don't know if you were reading Loose Leaf back a few years ago, but here is a photo of my first time experiencing aspens in Aspen!
Color is so intoxicating.
Dear Sister Sky - thank you for being you - the photos are gorgeous. You are so special. Hugs across miles.
Wow Sky, what beautiful photos you've posted here. The colors are just brilliant!! I have several friends in the Seattle area and they all tell me to come out for a visit. This just makes me want to do that even more. There's just that matter of $$$!
The colors are wonderful, especially against the blue of your page--and the sky!
Is trembling Aspen the same as quaking Aspen?
We visited Washington for the first time this summer.
But not the last/
Oh, so lovely, each and every one. Difficult for me to pick a favourite. So glad there is no need for me to do so.
So Lovely! Almost too bright and yellow to look at!
Sandra Evertson
I'm coming out of my steroid coma. It was nasty stuff! I love our Aspen and maples up here. Dave wants a Pastachio tree next fall? lol
Beautiful shots Sky!
What glorious photos!!
Thanks for the visit, Sky. I think you really hit the nail on the head with your assessment of that person. He won't admit his racism, but it is evident, nonetheless.
The contrast is stunning; the metaphor is not lost on me. Thank you.
love and hugs dear sky - i am thankful for you xo
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